Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hey Champ...
I betcha life has been treating u well.. Coz I found out that lately I'm living a life that makes me feel whole and content.

I finally found a true friendship, a kind that I've never had before. I've never imagine that I would be able to have that kind of relationship (re: friendship). What people say that a good friend is hard to find is completely, really-really true. Now that I've found it, I will nurture it as much as I could; with my whole heart, giving my loyalty to the friend who is loyal to me, accepting me the way I am, who are also a good influencer; helping me to become a better person, enriching me and patronizing me to stay in the right path. God, I thank you for this blessing You've provided me.

Other thing that also help me feel content is the job that I'm having at the moment. Although I'm still figuring out many things, I can at least try to enjoy my work, especially when my Boz and Supervisors provided me a supportive environment to perform as best as I could. Being rewarded with trust and respect within only a short period of working time for them is really surprising. I'm happy for the great treatment, though on the other hand I see it as a burden since I should not disappoint them or misuse the privileges for my personal interests. The temptation is huuugggeee, but thank God I can still manage to fight it.

Last but not least is my family and a place that I can call a home. Without them, I believe I can't be where I am right now. Thank you mom, thank you dad for the lessons and the way you've raised me. Although I'm still naughty and disobedient, I always keep your advice in my mind and heart and always try my best not to disappoint you guys. Believe me when I say this, I love you both although it's hard for me to show/say it out loud due to some barriers established between us. Yeah, I do love you guys.

In d end, I can say that Happiness is a state of emotion someone earns through hard works and by making lots of efforts which in the end could boost up the motivation to live a life. Without it, one would be miserable and confused.

As for now, my one quest that I gotta conquer is to find the Love of my life. I believe when the right time comes, that person will show up. And I do hope by that time I'm gonna be ready to embrace it. I'm tired of hoping and expecting too much. I'm sick of uncertainties, and playing games is not my thing. As for now, I can settle being by my own... I will be waiting for my REAL bright, shining ★ that is meant for me...

Take care Champ, I will talk to you soon enough you won't notice that I'm gone...

I know you love me,



"Take a chance & take a risk in everything you do. It may not be as unstable as you thought. Take a step back and admire what you've done because in the end, it might be worth it. And if it's not, you learned a lesson in life and you will have grown wiser. So live your life without regrets, take chances and risks, and see how far you can fly"

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